Ruthanne Mussetter
I have the privilege of serving with Brent Silkey, who is the Director of Saint Paul Chi Alpha, as his Executive Assistant. We hold weekly services and small groups at the University of St. Thomas, but we also welcome students to join us from any of the other four private colleges and Universities in Saint Paul, which include Macalester College and Concordia, Hamline, and St. Catherine Universities. Our primary goal is to help students find Jesus and learn to follow him for the rest of their lives! We engage with students through small group discussions about passages in the Bible and what we can learn from them about how to make a difference in the lives of the people around us, teaching them to become disciple-makers too. We also talk about Biblical Justice and what we can do to bring about justice for people who have been marginalized or trafficked, and then we take action. Kevin has been serving as our volunteer Audio Technician for the past two academic years, so it has been fun for us to be working together to reach young people with the hope of the Gospel! We would love to have you partner with us in our ministry on campus!